Court Rules Wikileaks Founder To Be Extradited

Wikileaks Founder Could Be Extradited And Executed By Obama Administration

Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, lost a crucial round in court this week, when a London judge order he be extradited to Sweden on dubious rape charges, for engaging in consensual sex without a condom. Many believe it is due to his website, Wikileaks, publishing State Department cables and military videos, illustrating serious crimes being committed.

Assange and his lawyers have vowed to appeal the decision. Many in America and the international community support Wikileaks' work in exposing government corruption. The leaked documents the site has published, pulled the veil back on very unsavory conduct harming humanity.

Julian Assange

Seeking to neutralize Assange, the Obama Administration, has been working behind the scenes to have him extradited to America, by way of England, then Sweden. A number of nations have rules that state, they will not extradite people to any nation they may face the death penalty or torture. Both could happen to Assange in America, as the CIA renditions people and some states have the death penalty.

It remains to be seen if Assange will be extradited to America, but many believe this is the next step to silence him. Not a pretty picture of what can happen when one speaks out in the defense of justice. He does not deserve to die for this or spend life in prison.


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