Bush Bomber Blew His Life

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari has been taken into custody, for plotting to blow up the Dallas, Texas residence of former U.S. President, George W. Bush. Aldawsari studied at school in an effort to gain entrance into the United States, with the goal of waging jihad.

By all accounts, he was an intelligent student with good grades. He should have used his education to better his nation. It is a shame he chose to waste his life on plotting acts of violence, even if the target is the most despised war criminals in the world. Bush has provoked world hatred that brought this on his doorstep.

There was a time when America did not have these problems. However, Bush's illegal and deceitful wars in the Middle East, has fostered extremism and the radicalization of many, at home and abroad. People who would not have taken such a drastic and dangerous route in life, did so out of anger and frustration, in response to the unjust wars Bush waged that continue on to this day.

George W. Bush

Had these acts not been perpetrated against them by a cruel, spoiled tyrant that lied to his own nation, as a pretext for war to steal oil, America would not have the terrible terrorism problem it has today.

Bush has done more damage to America than anyone in world history and he used nationalism to do so, by twisting the truth. His deeds have endangered America and ironically Bush as well. He is booed at home and abroad, frequently having to cancel appearances. This criminal cruelty and shame shall be his legacy.

Bush should have been prosecuted in the Hague, incarcerated and forced to pay a substantial fine for every American, British and Middle Eastern soldier that died because he lied. He should also be forced to pay a fine for every civilian casualty as well. He should not be allowed to retire in luxury. He should be legally forced to forfeit his freedom and fortune in a court of law, for his crimes against humanity. Here was a man given a podium and opportunity to do something great in life and look at the wickedness, madness and sheer evil he chose to do.


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