The American Church Withdraws Its Support From Obama Over Gay Marriage

Barack Obama

According to a number of articles published in the past two days, many Christian churches, organizations and prominent figures, have denounced U.S. President Barack Obama's push to make gay marriage legal.

President Obama has abandoned the federal Defense of Marriage Act, instructing the Justice Department not to support it. The President's conduct is in open contradiction to the Bible, which states marriage is between a man and woman. Millions of Americans share this view, as American is overwhelmingly Christian (75%), no matter what Hollywood tries to tell you.

Christians worldwide have also retained this view on marriage, as being between and man and a woman, in accordance with the Bible. While no one should seek to harm, abuse, harass, injure or kill gays, it is not appropriate that an alternative lifestyle be forced upon others, who do not share the same view, as it goes contrary to their religious beliefs. Many other religions, such as Islam, are not in favor of gay marriage.

Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee, eloquently explained the issue as a matter of President Obama going against the will of the people, as in every American state the subject of gay marriage was proposed and placed on the ballot, it was overwhelmingly voted against by the populace.

President Obama, who stated he is a Christian, is openly going against the Bible, in trying to appease his big buck Hollywood financial donors. However, as history has shown, Hollywood will not get one elected to office, but they have cost many the election. If Obama wants to go down in flames with Hollywood that's his choice.

Christians, who are the most influential and sizable voting block, will not support Obama in the 2012 election on his current backslidden course. We are paying attention and we are not amused.


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