The Economy Has Become A Free For All For Corporate Criminals

Barack Obama

The U.S. economy has become a free for all for corporate criminals robbing and ripping off the people of America. Food and gas prices continue to escalate in the midst of an unyielding financial crisis, fraudulent foreclosures abound and banks continue to horde a trillion dollars they were given by former President, George W. Bush and current Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama.

You would think the massive bailouts would make banks and other financial institutions more eager to lend and invest in the national community, but it has done the exact opposite. A number of banks are hording bailout funds that came directly from taxpayer money, while engaging in egregious financial crimes against people in America.

The FBI and SEC continue to fail in policing and prosecuting criminals in corporate America, which is greatly hindering any possible recovery. Only an unwise person would believe, the very people that caused the financial crisis, can be trusted to police themselves.


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