Obama's Internet Intimidator Sure Chose A Funny Name

Barack Obama

Due to the forthcoming 2012 election, U.S. President, Barack Obama, recently appointed, Jesse Lee, as a internet media representative, to tackle unflattering stories on the blogs and social networking sites, in open contradiction to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Jesse Lee posing with his wife (he looks stoned)

Lee opened a Twitter page and proceeded to tweet a not so cute picture of the "Terminator" from the famous film series, proclaiming this is who he shall be to bloggers that write negative stories about the president. Bring it!

Dude had the gall to tweet a picture of Nancy Pelosi, I mean, the Terminator, trying to scare people

But correct me if I'm wrong, didn't the Terminator get his butt handed to him, when he was unceremoniously dropped in a big vat of boiling hot lava in the first sequel, which pretty much toasted him and put an abrupt and fiery end to his illegal stalking. Just checking. This is going to be easier than I thought (figuratively speaking).


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