In Support Of Christians In The Middle East

Gizah Pyramids In Egypt

Christians in the Middle East, have come under attack by some, not all, Muslims in the region, who are engaging in religious discrimination. The religious persecution in the Middle East is manifesting itself in the form of violence against Christians, which is completely unacceptable. People should have the right to practice their faith without fear of persecution or violence.

President Obama has pledged $3 billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer money to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, while attacks against Christians continue unabated. I for one do not want my tax money given to those that would harass, persecute and engage in violence against Christians. I am all for democracy in Egypt and celebrate with the nation in its victories, but the government must show fairness and tolerance for Egyptian Christians and Jews.

U.S. President Barack Obama

If U.S. tax dollars are to be given in such great number and during an unprecedented financial crisis in America, it should be to provide food, clothing and shelter to Egypt's poor. Not to an organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, who "supports terrorism" according to the FBI.

If the violence against Middle Eastern Christians does not desist, the West needs to reconsider the financial aide to offending governments and provide asylum to those being persecuted based on their religion with the possibility of death.


Egypt's Christians Fear Violence as Changes Embolden Islamists

Egyptian Military Court Prosecutes Only Christians in Muslim Church Attacks

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