Money Is The Motive For Model Leaking The Ryan Giggs Affair

Ryan Giggs and wife Stacey Giggs

Nude model and reality star, Imogen Thomas, is illustrating that money is the motive for leaking the affair she conducted for six months, with Manchester United football player, Ryan Giggs. Thomas has been seen living it up, going out to clubs and restaurants, while claiming she is heartbroken over the leak, she allegedly had nothing to do with.

Ryan Giggs, the Welsh, biracial Man U footballer, has one of the most distinguished careers in the sport

However, court documents indicate, she attempted to extract 50,000 British pounds from Giggs, to keep silent where the press is concerned, regarding their affair. Bringing this point home even more, is the fact Thomas has been sending out emails stating that companies seeking to benefit from the publicity she is receiving, due to the scandal, should contact her regarding product placements. The mass email also mentions a television show she intends to appear on shortly, on the wings of the adultery scandal.

Imogen Thomas

In other news, Twitter has been turning over the user data of people in Britain that violated Giggs' super injunction, obtained in court to conceal his affair with Thomas, when she began attempting to extract money from him for her silence. Violators could face contempt of court charges, fines and property forfeitures (seizures). However, I can't help but think, Thomas was behind the leak, as court papers revealed, Giggs was not the source. Adultery is wrong, but Thomas should be sued for dragging Giggs, his wife and their kids, through a public nightmare to fatten her wallet, in violation of a super injunction.


Ryan Gigs Sues Twitter Over Users Breaking Super Injunction

Ryan Giggs Exposed As Super Injunction Football Player In Adultery Scandal


Imogen Thomas ‘to cash in on her affair with Ryan Giggs’

London, May 29...Her company Cassius Management sent an e-mail last week touting for business and said that they have recently taken on the reality television star..."Imogen is currently front page news and has just signed a television deal for the forthcoming months. Please let me know if you would be interested in Imogen promoting any of your lines. Given the level of exposure she is currently experiencing this would be a great opportunity for your products to be seen by millions," the Daily Express quoted the company as stating in the email...

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