Lindsay Lohan Violating Her Probation Again

Lindsay Lohan (left) and her mom Dina (right)

Successful actress Lindsay Lohan was spotted in New York, partying at a bar and then a night club, days after touching down in her home state. The convicted felon, who is on probation, is barred, pardon the pun, from patronizing places alcohol is sold as the main staple of business. She has also been guzzling fermented tea with alcohol in it, as mentioned in her probation report.

Ali Lohan (left) and sister Lindsay Lohan

Lohan has once again proved she is not taking her sobriety or the judge's orders seriously. Not a good look for someone trying to gain movie roles, after a spectacular fall from grace. Items also leaked from a probation report on the miscreant and it indicates she continues to drink beverages that contain alcohol. Major fail.


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