Why Is Lindsay Lohan Partying Like It's 1999

"Milk Meth Does Not Do A Body Good"

Lindsay Lohan (right) and underage sister Ali (left), who she is a terrible influence on

Former actress, Lindsay Lohan, is wearing out the pavement in New York, partying up a storm. Paparazzi she tipped off, have followed her to several night clubs and bars all while she is on probation. She is trying to "party like it's 1999" and there is no tomorrow, which would be a really dumb way to go.

What happened to becoming responsible and getting her life in order. Responsible people do not party everyday and linger in watering holes, staring a alcohol like they want to marry it. Take your freckled backside home and play scrabble for a change, you little Kabbalah witch.

Didn't the judge say Lohan wasn't supposed to go places that serve alcohol as their main product, yet she has done just that. Man, if I were the D.A. in Lohan's case, I'd be sitting in my office with a smoothie, reggae CD on, desk emptier than Lindsay's brain, throwing darts at the wall, laughing at how easy that chick is making my job.

In all seriousness, isn't it embarrassing for her to go from starring in studio films, to relying on tipping off paparazzi for income. She keeps sabotaging herself, like she doesn't want to get her life on track.


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