Bank ATM Fees To Hit $5!

Are They Smoking Crack!

Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

I read a distressing article today that has left me upset. No, not Obama's plummeting approval ratings, due to unemployment (hey, I told him so). I read banks are going to hike ATM fees to $5 per transaction. To think, after I gave them my $20 to manage, this is how those traitors at the bank repay me.

It's not that I'm cheap ok, it is because I'm cheap, but I don't like ATM fees. I go to great lengths to avoid them. I am the queen of dodging ATM fees. I'm the Pele, Jackie Robinson, Michael Jordan and Dan Marino of dodging ATM fees - nobody does it better than me.

This means I'm the queen of cash back. That's right. I'm the fool holding up the line at Walmart and Walgreens, using the debit card checkout machine as an ATM. I will buy Tic Tacs and a diet soda and get the maximum amount of cash back available ($40-$100). I have turned it into an art form.

If I do use the ATM, it is the one attached to my bank, to avoid said fee. Why? if you have to run to an ATM every time you need money, you're going to rack up $20.00 or more in fees every month, which could be better spent on something else.

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