Obama Could Rebuild American Cities If...

Barack Obama

Many cities in America have been negatively impacted by the turbulent economic times we live in. However, the city of Detroit, Michigan, has fallen into a state of disrepair, blighted by urban decay, more than any other major city in America. This is due to the ongoing financial crisis that hit the Motor City hard, as many of its citizens' worked in the automotive industry.

Years ago, GM (General Motors), employed 600,000 workers in Michigan. Fast forward to the present and the company has far less employees. Many beautiful buildings in Detroit, are now dilapidated and disintegrating, as there are no revenues and earnings to maintain them.

If President Obama ended the wars in the Middle East and Libya, he could use a portion of the funding from said military action, to build up Detroit, providing jobs and refurbished churches, homes, schools and businesses. Isn't it better to build up America, than bomb other nations.


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