Report: Obama Did Not Release His Actual Birth Certificate This Week

Barack Obama

The heavily edited document President Barack Obama released this week, stating it is his birth certificate, is not according to Sharon Guthrie, the legislative director for Republican Representative, Leo Berman. Guthrie states the document is a "certificate of live birth" which is not the same as an original birth certificate.

Graphic artist, James Colby, has pointed out, Obama's "certificate of live birth" contains extensive editing. He stated, scanned documents only contain "one layer." President Obama's certificate "contains 150" which indicates massive editing. Colby also stated the letters on the certificate have been altered, down to the very name on the certificate.

In short, a number of graphic artists are calling the certificate a copy and paste composite of a number of images and lettering that no authentic certificate would legitimately contain. Is the FBI's graphic artist is responsible for the certificate (FBI's Aged Osama Pic Discredited).

"Where's The Birth Certificate" by Jerome Corsi

Harvard graduate, Jerome Corsi, makes an explosive claim on the World Daily News website, regarding the serial number on Obama's "certificate of live birth" document. The well read website states, birth certificates of twin girls born one day later to the Nordyke family, at the very same hospital Obama's says he was born, Kapi'olani, contain a lower serial number than the President's "certificate of live birth."

The Nordyke twins' birth certificates were given the chronological numbers of 151-61-10637 and 151-61-10638, which counts upward. However, Obama, who was born a day earlier has a certificate number of 151-61-10641. In general, state birth certificate serial numbers count up, not down. Other sites have also observed the font numbering and lettering on Obama's "certificate of live birth" contains different font types from different machines, bearing signs the text has been altered in a copy and paste manner. This is tragic. Obama, release the original certificate, not the "certificate of live birth."


Graphic Artist Questions Obama Birth Certificate

What is it about twin girls born day after Obama?

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