Britney Spears Is Looking Very Old For 29

Britney Spears

Sony Music pop tart, Britney Spears is looking very old her age. By no means is 29 old, unless you’re a ten year old, then that’s decrepit. However, Spears has aged very badly and so rapidly.

Pre-Photoshop Photos have been leaked online, which were taken in support of her latest unoriginal CD and she looks much older than her age and very rough. That’s not good, especially for an entertainer.

Lindsay Lohan

Spears has aged almost as badly as one time actress and fellow Kabbalah cult member, Lindsay Lohan, who is only 24-years-old, but looks far older as well. That’s what hard living and a psychotic cult will do to a person - premature aging. There are female entertainers in Hollywood twenty years older than Spears and Lohan, who look much better, but they aren't in a stressful, crazy cult.


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