Obama Slams Bill O'Reilly

Barack Obama

U.S. President, Barack Obama, has slammed Fox News political pundit, Bill O'Reilly, for talking trash about his mama. As mentioned on the site earlier in the week, O'Reilly said of the President's late mom, Ann Dunham, "Obama's crazy mom took him to Kenya." He also called her "eccentric."

Bill O'Reilly

Shortly after, El Presidente, Obama snuck a snide jab into a speech and stated of O'Reilly, "I love the press. I even sat for an interview with Bill O'Reilly right before the Super Bowl. That was a change of pace. ... I don't often get a chance to be in a room with an ego that's bigger than mine." Over to you Bill.


President Obama burns Bill O'Reilly


Bill O'Reilly Calls Obama's Mama Crazy

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