FBI Failures In Miley Cyrus Case Led To More Hacks

Miley Cyrus

Did FBI negligence and laziness lead to a hacker ring becoming embolden and committing worse crimes. Beginning almost three years ago, the Judiciary Report criticized the FBI for not arresting hacker, Josh Holly, who was plaguing a then 15-year-old Miley Cyrus.

He hacked her mobile phone, email accounts and social networking sites, then began disclosing private photos of the teen star that constituted child pornography. In all that, the FBI did nothing, which led to Holly and his co-conspirators going after other celebrities and arrogantly targeting politicians in Washington, of all places.

Selena Gomez

Now the case has blown up in the FBI's face, as said hackers have not only released private photos of nude celebrities, illegally stolen from their mobile phones and email accounts, they may have jeopardized national security as well, in hacking Washington politicians. The Judiciary Report warned about that possibility a year ago.

The Judiciary Report also warned two months ago, that singers Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, should be careful regarding what they text to each other, as a hacker would love to compromise the security of their mobile phones and steal pictures (Justin Bieber Texts Girlfriend Photos). This week it was revealed, Gomez is one of the celebrities the FBI recently discovered, has been hacked by the aforementioned hacking ring.


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