Judge To Lindsay Lohan: You Need Psychiatric Help

Another day, another dollar court appearance for Hollywood wreck, Lindsay Lohan. The one time actress and her delusional, enabling mother, strolled into court stonefaced, like they are on an important mission, going to the G20 or Yalta, when they are two yentas that keep running amok.

Lindsay Lohan and her collagen lip injections head into court, sporting a Britney Spears weave

Judge Keith L. Schwartz, reproved Lohan for her chronic criminal conduct, which has has landed the former star in court again. In a telling move, he also requested to see a psychiatric profile of Lohan, indicating he believes she is mentally ill. Judge Schwartz stated Lohan is need of "mental help." Indeed. The Judiciary Report has repeatedly stated Lohan is schizophrenic because of crazy Kabbalah.

Lindsay going into court stonefaced and shamed

Can you really blame the judge for thinking this, as her acts of self-sabotage, kleptomania, violent attacks on others, incendiary, illogical outbursts and overall dysfunctional behavior, in and outside court, indicates there is a greater problem. Bipolar disorder is to mild to describe what Lohan has been doing.

Lindsay looking tipsy in court

Normal people don't keep landing in legal hot water, in such unnecessary circumstances of their own making, which include lawlessness, violence, rage and theft. Only crazy, criminally compulsive people, whose minds are racked with schizophrenia, keep trotting down that same path.


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