Britney Spears In Danger Of Multi-Million Dollar Lawsuit Over Stealing "Hold It Against Me"

What A Fraud!

Britney Spears in "Hold It Against Me"

Well, she's done it again. Sony Music pop tart, Britney Spears, has stolen more material, in what could result in her umpteenth lawsuit for copyright infringement. The famed Bellamy Brothers, are not amused with her stealing their 1979 lyrics and song title, for her dismal new rip-off tune, "Hold It Against Me," which is being propped up by payola.

The unoriginal, criminal copyright infringing video, accompanying the song isn't much better. Spears, who is only 29-years-old, looks haggard and weathered. She has aged drastically overnight, proving if people do not take care of themselves, via consume too much alcohol, take drugs, party hard and and engage in other stressful activity, it will ravage their looks.

The Bellamy Brothers

The music video has airbrushing and CGI to smooth out her features and she still looks much older than her age, which is not helpful in her demographic or pop genre that is very youth oriented.

There were rumors last month that Spears, who is on several anti-psychotic meds to control her schizophrenia, was so out of it at the "Hold It Against Me" video shoot, the director became incensed. The director reportedly ordered the back-up dancers to do most of the leg work. The final product shows a lethargic Spears being outshone by her lively, energetic back up dancers. The video is now a hot mess that Spears devalued.

Britney Spears on her day off

Spears is wearing terrible, trashy, ill-fitting clothes, hooker make-up and a zombie expression. She doesn't look like a pop star. She looks like a woman beaten by her own bad choices in life. She does not exactly embody what pop music is about.

It is about being exuberant, cutting edge and young minded. I've said it before and I'll say it again, she is now a show monkey being propped up to make money at any cost, including her sanity and dignity, which are long gone. What a farce.

"According to, Spears' recently released single, 'Hold It Against Me,' contains similar lyrics as their 1979 song of the same name. In the Bellamy Brothers version, they sing: 'If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?' Britney's new song includes the lyrics: 'If I said I want your body now, would you hold it against me?'"


Bellamy Brothers Consider Suing Britney Spears For Plagiarism

Britney Spears’ “Hold It Against Me” Video: Featuring Ridiculous Product Placements

Bellamy Brothers have something 'against' Britney Spears

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