Oscar Committee Changed Its Mind About "Jonah Hex"

Jonah Hex

Weeks ago, many reports indicated the box office bomb "Jonah Hex" was going to be nominated for an Oscar. Of course, the Judiciary Report rationally, sensibly and maturely protested this decision two weeks ago by stating the Academy Awards committee must be "smoking crack."

Alas, this week, they had a change of heart and yanked the terrible film from consideration, leaving it off the nomination's list. For the full list go here, while I smirk to myself: http://www.oscars.org/awards/academyawards/83/nominees.html

Note to self: If you see the cast or crew of "Jonah Hex" approaching...turn around and walk the other way (still smirking).


Oscar Committee Smoking Crack, Nominates Jonah Hex


New Orleans-shot 'Jonah Hex' advances in race for Oscar

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