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U.S. President Barack Obama, went to the U.S. state of Wisconsin, to promote his economic message, which was featured in the State of the Union address this week. However, many financial analysts and economists have been pointing out, Mr. Obama's plans for innovation in America will cost a lot of money the nation simply cannot spare during an unprecedented financial crisis. The main goal at this time should be cost reduction and recovery, not expansion.
Obama's 2011 State Of The Union Speech Rousing But Problems Remain
The Government Twists Jobs Report To Hide Losses
What Is Obama Going To Do About The Deficit
Obama's $1 Trillion Bill Passes In Congress
Obama Pushes Congress To Pass $1.1 Trillion In New Spending
Bernake Defends Reckless Spending
U.S. Jobs Lost Not To Be Replaced Until 2020
Joe Biden: We Can't Replace The 8 Million Jobs Lost
GDP Data Shows The Recovery Failed
U.S. Unemployment Continues To Rise