Title: The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Year Of Release: 2010
Review Date: January 31, 2011
Rating: PG-13
Running time: 109 minutes
Box Office Gross: $ 215,283,603
Site Rating: 1 out of 10 stars
"The Sorcerer's Apprentice" starring Nicholas Cage, is an unoriginal movie that tried to capitalize on the "Harry Potter" film franchise. It also contained elements of other preexisting works. It revolves around a middle aged sorcerer named, Balthazar Blake, played by Cage, that takes on a Harry Potter-esque apprentice, Dave Stutler. They go through a series of corny magical tests, until they discover he is the one who is fit to be the next Merlin (*yawn*).
The funny thing is the studio spent a lot of money on this film and it bombed domestically. Worldwide sales brought up the tally, but for a film that cost $150,000,000 to make, plus $30,000,000 in promotional costs, it barely turned a profit for all that expenditure. Cage has released a string of unoriginal flops that cost him dearly. At the rate he is going, it shall costs him even more - his career and bank account.