Movie Review: The Social Network

Title: The Social Network

Year Of Release: 2010

Review Date: February 28, 2011

Rating: PG-13

Running Time: 110 minutes

Box Office Gross: $261,924,837

Site Rating: 5 out of 10 stars

Note: this review contains spoiler alerts. Warning: This film contains sexual situations, semi-nudity, lesbian scene, bad language and gambling.

"The Social Network" is the story of the Facebook website and how Mark Zuckerberg stole it from four people. The Oscar winning film, traces the site back to its roots in American universities. The idea began with an attempt to capitalize on university "facebooks" which are college websites containing the photos of students.

Zuckerberg hacked several prominent universities' sites, while he was a student at Harvard, in order to create a mean composite of the copyrighted data, know as "Facemash" which cruelly compared women to animals. The site was full of insults that offended many. So much so, Zuckerberg got into trouble at Harvard for this misconduct, but nothing substantial came of it.

Wealthy paternal twins, Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss and their friend, Divya Narendra, read about Zuckerberg's computer abilities, which were exaggerated, as the basis for his coding and scripting work, came from his roommate, Brazilian, Eduardo Saverin.

The Winklevoss' and Narendra, met with Zuckerberg and pitched an idea to him of creating a website called "Harvard Connect" to contain photos, bios, blurbs and basic biographical data of university students. They all communicated by email, which later sunk Zuckerberg in legal proceedings, as it revealed a criminal line of intellectual property theft.

Zuckerberg agreed to design a site based on their idea and concept, also known as a webmaster. However, Zuckerberg later gave them the run around, stole their site idea and concept and used Saverin's computer code to create it.

Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan

According to the film, Zuckerberg, who asked Saverin to borrow his mathematical code, did not tell him that he had stolen the idea and concept for the website. Zuckerberg had indeed stole Vinklevoss' and Narendra's site, changed the name to "Harvard Connect" and renamed it "TheFacebook."

It wasn't long before Zuckerberg stabbed Saverin in the back as well, cutting him out of Facebook, a site that is based on his algorithm and would not have been able to go online without him or his $28,000 investment.

Eventually, Saverin, Zuckerberg's only friend, sued him over this criminal betrayal, as did the Winklevoss' and Narendra. They all settled, but the Winklevoss' and Narendra, sued Zuckerberg again, for lying about profits.

Another thief and destroyer of other people's wealth, Napster's racketeering founder, the mentally unstable, Shawn Parker, also makes an appearance in this film, played by Justin Timberlake.

In a fair and just judicial system, the Winklevoss' and Narendra would be the major shareholders and CEOs of Facebook and Zuckerberg the webmaster on staff, head of the IT department. However, the justice system is too corrupt and full of bribery to right said wrong and to the government's embarrassment.

"The Social Network" made Zuckerberg look very crazy, mentally ill, weird, detached, devious and arrogant. Make no mistake, this film shows him as a complete and total villain, who has serious mental problems.

Zuckerberg is a criminal. There's no way around it. While watching this film, even my mother, who is usually sympathetic to people stated, "He should be in jail." And she is right. Not only did Zuckerberg brazenly steal other people's place in world history, he robbed them of their money as well.

He committed a laundry list of crimes, such as hacking, copyright infringement, criminal copyright infringement, invasion of privacy, the illegal distribution of digitized images and willful violations of the RICO statutes. That is conduct worthy of at least 30 years in prison.

President Obama (center) Mark Zuckerberg (right)

There is nothing legal about what Zuckerberg did and yet he is free, which says a lot about the government. Zuckerberg even met with fellow Harvard graduate, the President of the United States recently, which says a lot about Obama's attitude on corporate governance and crime.

Even the Harvard dean in the film, Larry Summers, was arrogantly and corruptly dismissive of the criminal conduct, which says a lot, as he was a high ranking U.S. government official (must be something in the water in Washington).

One cannot hold this madness up as the new business model or attempt to shine a light on it as an example of how to do business. The proof is in the pudding, as all this stealing that has been going on in the corporate sector, has all but destroyed the U.S. economy. Millions of people are suffering because of this corrupt business model and America is poorer than ever, due to this illegal redistribution of wealth. That is not success. It is not genuine. It is criminal.

Zuckerberg has the mentality of some in the corporate sector, such as Bernie Madoff, R. Allen Stanford and a number of thieving Hollywood stars and studios, such as Warner Bros., Sony, Madonna, Simon Cowell, Simon Fuller, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Rihanna, Nicolas Cage and Will Smith, to name a few, who believe they are to criminally steal their way into a lavish lifestyle, fame and glory.

They live by the credo of stealing and stepping on others, believing it will make them rich and famous, with no consequences. Never mind it hurts people and nations. It destroys them as well. A nation cannot function in this manner, as it is only a short matter of time before it will implode.

Months ago, on December 8, 2010, the Judiciary Report warned America is heading towards revolts, protests and uprisings and this was before the recent turmoil in nations such as Egypt, Bahrain and Libya this year (December 8, 2010: Ben Bernake Didn't See The Financial Crisis Coming).

America is currently on an unsustainable path, which will lead to mass poverty and complete financial ruin. This is due to the corrupt policies in Washington, allowing the corporate sector to commit any egregious financial and social crime they feel like, with impunity, to the detriment of the nation. This needs to stop. People are not going to continue tolerating it and the government is headed for an unprecedented disaster.

Movie Review: Knight And Day

Title: Knight And Day

Year Of Release: 2010

Review Date: February 28, 2011

Rating: PG-13

Running Time: 110 minutes

Box Office Gross: $261,924,837

Site Rating: 1 out of 10 stars

"Knight And Day" is the action comedy starring Tom Cruise, as a spy and Cameron Diaz, as his unwitting victim, who is dragged along on a preposterous journey to a number of nations. As common in these types of films, she falls in love with the leading man. Never mind he is insane (in real life too). But then again, so is she.

The duo are chased all over the place by the U.S. government, who are trying to pilfer a new type of energy source, a battery, made by a young man named Simon Feck. Cruise's character attempts to protect Fleck.

This film was very derivative, unoriginal and corny. Furthermore, it's hard to take a film seriously made by two cult members, Cruise, a Scientologist that disgraced himself on the Oprah Winfrey Show and the Today Show and Diaz, a kooky Kabbalahist sleeping with everyone in Hollywood. Birds of a feather...

Movie Review: Red

Title: Red

Year Of Release: 2010

Review Date: February 28, 2011

Rating: R

Running Time: 111 minutes

Box Office Gross: $181,184,283

Site Rating: 1 out of 10 stars

"Red" starring Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and Helen Mirren, is loosely based on the comic book of the same name. The film is about a group of retired CIA agents, classified as "Red" which stands for "Retired Extremely Dangerous" being killed in a strange plot. The remaining agents begin investigating who is behind the plot.

Spoiler Alert: Lo and behold, the agents find out the Vice President Of The United States, ordered their deaths to permanently shut them up, regarding human rights abuses and war crimes committed in Guatemala, by the U.S. government. As a result, they kidnap and try to assassinate the Vice President of the United States.

I did not like this movie for a number of reasons. It is unoriginal, very violent, profane and based on a very bad premise. It simply goes too far. It is also blatantly absorbed in Hollywood's weird obsession with "mind control," illegal wiretapping, harassment and murder, things tinseltown private investigators specialize in. The film comes right out and says it.

The U.S. Economy Is Being Called A Big Ponzi Scheme

U.S. President Barack Obama Has Failed To Curb Fraud And Theft In Corporate Sector

Over the past week, both the Al Jeezera news network and convicted fraudster, Bernie Madoff, have called the U.S. economy a "ponzi scheme." That’s a very serious indictment, regarding the state of the nation’s financial affairs.

There is some merit to their statements. For years the Judiciary Report has stated, there are many companies on the stock market in Corporate America that are fraudulent and serving no real function, other than defrauding and gouging people.

They are eating away at the country’s productivity and national output. The SEC and FBI, charged with investigating and weeding out criminals in the marketplace, have become so corrupt, blatantly crooked companies are allowed to remain in the corporate sector, among legitimate corporations. These fraudulent companies that thrive on stealing are wreaking havoc on the economy.

The conflicts of interest present are astounding as well. Last week, U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, announced there would be no charges against Angelo Mozilo, the former head of Countrywide, a company that played a significant role in the 2008 Financial Crisis. Mozilo made off with close to $200,000,000 in ill-gotten gains, after helping to destroy the top economy in the world.

A few days ago, it was announced, the top lawyer at the SEC, David M. Becker, was personally profiting from Bernard Madoff’s crimes and has been sued as a result. However, he should be indicted. The Judiciary Report was the first to state after Madoff's arrest, the US government knew of his criminal conduct for some time, but looked the other way. There’s a reason for that - they were getting paid to do so. It's called bribery and "Too big to fail."

America still has a number of real companies churning out successful products in the marketplace, but gone are the days when the nation was number one in this regard, dominating international trade and finance. This is due to the fact, the government has allowed criminals to take root and fester in the corporate sector, who are in essence, stealing a living, not earning one. They are criminally taking from hardworking people, to fund their lavish lifestyles, while deteriorating true wealth via theft.

A new breed of crooks have mixed in with genuine companies on the stock market and in the marketplace, with the motto of "steal, steal, steal!" Some may refer to such criminal conduct as shrewd and clever, but how good can it be in light of the fact it brought down a whole nation and destroyed its once prosperous, top ranked economy. This ought not to have happened, but it did, because the government foolishly allowed it for devious reasons that have not panned out.


Madoff to NY magazine: Government a Ponzi scheme

Attorney General Eric Holder Is Countrywide Chief's Most Valuable Friend

SEC's Top Lawyer Becker Sued for Inheriting Madoff Ponzi Profits


Madoff’s Madness

S.E.C. Ignored Warnings About Madoff

Another Madoff Surfaces

The Government Was Complicit In R. Allen Stanford's Crimes

How George Bush Destroyed The U.S. Economy

China And Russia Dump The U.S. Dollar

Obama Calls For Job Summit

Artificial Growth - Part 2

U.S. Debt To Surpass American Economic Revenues

GDP Data Shows The Recovery Failed

What Is Obama Going To Do About The Deficit

The Benefits Of Government Cost Cutting

Bush Bomber Blew His Life

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari has been taken into custody, for plotting to blow up the Dallas, Texas residence of former U.S. President, George W. Bush. Aldawsari studied at school in an effort to gain entrance into the United States, with the goal of waging jihad.

By all accounts, he was an intelligent student with good grades. He should have used his education to better his nation. It is a shame he chose to waste his life on plotting acts of violence, even if the target is the most despised war criminals in the world. Bush has provoked world hatred that brought this on his doorstep.

There was a time when America did not have these problems. However, Bush's illegal and deceitful wars in the Middle East, has fostered extremism and the radicalization of many, at home and abroad. People who would not have taken such a drastic and dangerous route in life, did so out of anger and frustration, in response to the unjust wars Bush waged that continue on to this day.

George W. Bush

Had these acts not been perpetrated against them by a cruel, spoiled tyrant that lied to his own nation, as a pretext for war to steal oil, America would not have the terrible terrorism problem it has today.

Bush has done more damage to America than anyone in world history and he used nationalism to do so, by twisting the truth. His deeds have endangered America and ironically Bush as well. He is booed at home and abroad, frequently having to cancel appearances. This criminal cruelty and shame shall be his legacy.

Bush should have been prosecuted in the Hague, incarcerated and forced to pay a substantial fine for every American, British and Middle Eastern soldier that died because he lied. He should also be forced to pay a fine for every civilian casualty as well. He should not be allowed to retire in luxury. He should be legally forced to forfeit his freedom and fortune in a court of law, for his crimes against humanity. Here was a man given a podium and opportunity to do something great in life and look at the wickedness, madness and sheer evil he chose to do.


How George Bush Destroyed The U.S. Economy

The FBI Hasn’t Changed

FBI Director And Racist, Robert S. Mueller

As black history month draws to a close, the Judiciary Report would like to celebrate the accomplishments of black people in America and around the world. The site would also like to take a look at the state of human rights, concerning the treatment of black people by federal law enforcement, particularly the FBI.

A proper legal system is important to any nation, but when it becomes corrupted, problems arise that are harmful to those in society, deemed at a disadvantage due to race. The law is supposed to give each person a fair shake, but as lawsuits against the FBI have shown, they are actively discriminating against, spying on and abusing blacks and other people of color (Muslims). Nothing good is going to come of what is illegally transpiring.

During the civil rights era, black people fought for equal rights and changes were made in the movement's wake. It's appalling that said rights have been systematically trampled and reversed, by the crooked law enforcement agency that is the FBI. Congress has been complicit in these FBI abuses that are worthy of criminal prosecution. As the saying goes, people who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


FBI Agent Kills Another Teen While Drunk Driving

FBI Agents Making Sex Tapes, Paying Strippers And Leaking National Secrets

Public Slams FBI's Planned J. Edgar Hoover Museum

Did The FBI Fail Again

Did The FBI Fail Again Part 2

FBI Blew Many Chances To Stop 9/11 Attacks

FBI Blamed For London Bombings

ACLU: The FBI Routinely Violates Americans Privacy

FBI Denounced By Parents Of Missing Kids

FBI Anthrax Case Debunked By Scientists

The 2011 Oscars Receive Bad Reviews

Oscar Winners: Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, Melissa Leo and Colin Firth

The reviews are in regarding the 2011 Oscars that took place in Los Angeles, California last night and they are not pretty. Since the site was not nominated for best blog, which really isn't a category, I decided to boycott the show (like I was invited anyway). A little bit of humor, there.

The Judiciary Report did not catch the telecast last night, but did glimpse online what's really important at an awards show. No, not the awards, the clothes (wink). For a rundown on the fashions, check the latest Sound Off Column (insert affiliate site plug here).

Obama Keeps Betraying The Church

Barack Obama

U.S. President, Barack Obama, has been betraying the church, via going back on a number of promises he made voters, such as not attempting to make gay marriage legal and lifting the ban on stem cell research (running gruesome experiments on baby embryos). Obama stated he is a Christian and claims "Jesus" as Savior, but after he got into office, he began openly going against the Bible, also known as the "Word of God."

The church played a major role in electing Obama in 2008, as one cannot become President of the United States without the Christian vote, due to America having a Christian majority. However, ever since Obama has taken office, he has spit on the church with decision after decision, from proclaiming America is not a Christian nation, to his latest backslidden act, of pushing for gay marriage, in a bid to repay his Hollywood campaign donors.

With each new betrayal of the Bible, Obama is giving more credence to public claims he is not a Christian and used it as a mean to get elected President. The church needs to wake up and get wise to what is happening, before all Christians hold dear is destroyed. The Lord said in the Bible "You shall know them by their deeds" which means one can tell a Christian by what he or she does, not by what he or she says.


Obama Keeps Betraying The Church


The American Church Withdraws Its Support From Obama Over Gay Marriage

The GOP To Defend Marriage In America


Black Church Group Blasts Obama for Choosing to Abandon Defense of Marriage Act

Obama decision on gay marriage shows government trying to abolish God

Family Research Council Mounts Church War On Obama, Repeal Efforts

Church Group Slams Obama for Abandoning DOMA

Social Conservatives Vow Fight for Defense of Marriage Act

Cantor Criticizes Obama For Decision To Stop Defending DOMA

State conservatives pledge to uphold Defense of Marriage Act

Conservatives vow to make gay marriage 2012 issue

RI bishop: Obama gay marriage stance 'misguided'

Fox News' Monica Crowley Likens President 'Mubarak Obama' To Dictatorship

Obama Still Silent as Al-Qaeda Leader Calls for Violence Against Christians

Church Leaders Say Obama Budget Spends Too Much On Military

Sound Off Column - Miami Heat, Justin Bieber, Oscars, Academy Awards, Wayne Rooney, Steven Gerrard, Halle Berry, Michael Jordan, Jessica Lowndes

Volume 104

CELEBRITY Cute Couples
CELEBRITY The 2011 Oscars
SPIRITUAL Picking Up The Pieces


Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry's daughter Nahla is total adorableness

Naomi Watts and sons Sasha and Samuel

Kobe Bryant, his wife, Vanessa Bryant and their beautiful daughters Natalia Diamante Bryant and Gianna Maria-Onore Bryant at the NBA All Star Weekend this month

Matthew McConaughey and his adorable kids Levi and Vida go for a work out. Aww, Vida is so cute mimicking her daddy.

Coleen Rooney and her handsome little son Kai

CELEBRITY Cute Couples

LeBron James and Savannah Brinson (left) and Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger (right)

Steven Gerrard and Alex Curran


Halle Berry looks fantastic. She wowed many with her fashion choices this month.

Camila Alves looks fabulous

Jessica Lowndes is radiant and lovely

Venus Williams wearing a fun, youthful look that compliments her model type features

Serena Williams is sporting a chic new look

Vanessa Williams looks fabulous is this lovely satin number

...And her she is again looking sleek and stylish in black

A well-accessorized Alex Curran looks glamorous in a faux fur (I have to put the faux part because of PETA)

Mary Hart is fabulous in this evening gown. The color suits her.

Iman is very stylish in a flattering and chic combo

Angela Basset looks gorgeous in gray

CELEBRITY The 2011 Oscars

Halle Berry stole the show at the Occars in this number

Teenager Hailee Steinfeld looked so pretty and sweet in this lovely ensemble

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber appeared together for the first time on the red carpet. I see Justin took some of Selena's dress to make his handkerchief - waste not want not (I'm just teasing)

Jennifer Lawrence looks gorgeous

Shaun Robinson is fabulous in this ensemble

Jack Weaver is elegant in this lovely gown


Rio Ferdinand

Steven Gerrard

Steven Gerrard and Michael Essien

Wayne Rooney

John Terry

Darren Bent

Theo Walcott

Jack Wilshere

Darren Bent, Ashley Cole, Jack Wilshere and Theo Walcott

Daniel Sturridge

Chicago Bulls legends Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen

Los Angeles Laker and All Star MVP Kobe Bryant

LeBron James, Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade of the Miami Heat A/K/A the best basketball team in the league

SPIRITUAL Picking Up The Pieces

Picking up the pieces of a broken life can be devastating and difficult. In our search for answers, we sometimes become discouraged and even depressed. A broken man or woman is not a whole one. There is a shadow of sadness present that hampers everyday life. However, you must break out of that rut. You cannot accept defeat. Get up and try again. God bless you.

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